About Us
@ Kiwanis for kids fundraiser: Hal Compton(left) Phil Appleby-Founder, (middle) Vince Sanchez - Broker/Owner(right)
Vince Sanchez - Broker / Owner
What you can expect:
Maintain and/or Increase Cash Flow
Maintain and/or Monitor Costs Inlcuding CAM Reconciliations
Maintain Occupancy & Tenant Relations
Provide Monthly Financials to Owner or Owner's
Provide Monthly Inspection Reports
Thouroughly Market Available Units
Negotiate The Highest Possible Rate
Provide a Comprehensive Market Analysis
Marketing Thru Direct Mailing to Local Active Brokers
Marketing Through All Web-Based Listing Systems
Ensure That Seller Receives Highest and Best
26 years of Real Estate Experience from management of single-tenant free standing locations, Neighborhood Retail and Strip Centers to managing the reuse of existing commercial buildings to residential lofts and artist live/work spaces. This type of broad experience plus having the "owners mentality" enables me to give my clients the best attention possible.